News in June

Bacon had a mom Shirt

“Bacon had a mom” T-Shirt

This month we’re happy to present you the “Bacon had a mom” T-Shirt. It was designed by the awesome people at the Herbivore Clothing Company from Portland, USA. We already have a bunch of their stickers. The shirt is available in a unisex and a ‘womens’ cut.

Take On Shoe
Simple Shoes!

From now on we’re offering new shoe models from Simple Shoes!

If you’re a follower of our blog for some time this might surprise you. So far our position was that we only sell shoes from vegan manufacturers. But there are very few companies that exclusively produce vegan shoes and do so under socially and ecologically acceptable conditions. We stopped selling Blackspot shoes because their quality didn’t meet our standards anymore so we were standing without a convincing vegan alternative to Vegetarian Shoes.

We’ve received tons of requests for trendy vegan shoes, and after long discussions we’ve decided to add vegan shoe models from Simple Shoes to our stock. Simple Shoes currently also makes leather shoes but they impressed us with their commitments to sustainabilty: They mainly use recycled materials (e.g. old car tires, PET bottles and bike tires) and organically grown fabrics such as cotton and hemp. Social conditions also meet the standards we expect from our suppliers. You can find out more about Simple Shoes here.

Of course we hope that with an increased demand for their vegan shoe models, Simple Shoes will discern the signs of the times, change their strategy and manufacture vegan shoes only. For now we offer their shoe models “D-Solve Organic Cotton” and “Take on Elastic” and in late summer we’ll expand our stock further.

We’re interested in your opinion on the shoe producer issue und ask you to let us know if should you find any convincing vegan shoe producers.


Sissi At the animal sanctuary “Antitierbenutzungshof” lives the 20-years-old mare “Sissi” (german link), who has an extreme defective position of her right foreleg. She urgently needs surgery because her current condition is critical, since she can hardly walk. Unfortunately, the sanctuary cannot afford an operation like this. Therefore, they called out for a solidarity weekend for “Sissi”, which ROC supports. For every order that you place in our shop on June 18th and 19th, and that is paid until June 27th, 5 % of the order value will be donated to the sanctuary!

ROC on the road 2011

12.06. – Veggie Street Day – Stuttgart
15.07.-17.07. – International Animal Rights Gathering
22.07.-24.07. – Fluff Fest
30.07. – Vegan-vegetarisches Sommerfest Berlin
13.08. – Veggie Street Day – Dortmund
21.08. – Vegan Festival – London
01.10-02.10. – Paris Vegan Day

Support the Antitierbenutzungshof!

From May 16th until June 10th there are going to be building weeks at the Antitierbenutzungshof. People who have got the time to help during this period are badly needed. Everybody will be able to help: carrying stuff, cooking, feeding the other animals at the farm. It would be great as well if there were people with technical skills as well!

The Antitierbenutzungshof (which means: no animals shall be used/exploited at this site) was founded in the beginning of 2008 by Daniel and Iris. They wanted to give themselves and all the other non-human animals they had saved from the slaughterhouse or really bad living conditions a new home. That means a lot of work, and help is always needed. So make use of your time in order to help, to meet nice people and to develop new perspectives on how the liberation of all animals can be achieved …

All helping hands can expect to find vegan catering, solar shower, compost toilets and programme while chilling out in the evenings.

Here you can find the homepage of the “Antitierbenutzungshof” (german).

If you do not have the time to be there in May or June, but you still want to help: check out this page (german). You can go there and help, send money or other useful stuff.