News and Shoe Sale!!

“Vegan means” T-Shirt

Summer is finally here and we have a new t-shirt in our shop. The shirt is made by Continental Clothing (earth positive quality!), and comes in a vintage washed design. Get ready for summer!

New belts: “Rabbit” and “We heart the ALF”
We designed new belts and now they are in the shop! Have a look …

Shoe Sale!
We have some phase-out shoe models on sale! Among others we’ve reduced the price for our Blackspot Sneakers. Oh and we also have a few of our T-Shirt Designs on special. Get them while you can!

New prices for shirts and hoodies
Unfortunately, from now on you’ll have to pay a little more for our clothing. Shirts will be 2 €uros more, our hoodies 2-3 €uros more. This step is necessary, because the prices for shirt and printing are a little higher. In addition to that, we’re in a situation where we’re trying to avoid all kinds of exploitation by selling only fairtrade products, but at the same time we’re exploiting ourselves by paying us very low wages. So we’re trying to improve this situation a little bit through this move.
Compared to the prices of other eco and fair trade brands, our prices are still at a quite low level.
We appreciate your understanding!

ROC on tour 2011
We’ve started to prepare for the festival season and thought we’d let you know when and where you can come to our stall this summer.
12.06. – Veggie Street Day – Stuttgart
15.07.-17.07. – International Animal Rights Gathering
13.08. – Veggie Street Day – Dortmund
21.08. – Vegan Festival – London

We’re looking forward to see you!

Sale, vegan Energy and Protest against §278a in Vienna


If you already noticed the countdown in our shop – from February 15th we’ll start our Spring Sale. Maybe its a little early, but fingers crossed that it will help with an early beginning of spring! We have a lot of t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts and jackets, books, shoes and more. Single items, stuff with minor errors or old stock for really low prices.

Energy Supplier Change

We’ve been looking for a vegan and ecological energy supplier for a while now, since our current suppier, Lichtblick also offers Ecogas, which is derived from manure from factory farms, something we don’t want to support. Most of the German eco energy suppliers already offer or are planning to offer Ecogas, so the only alternative is Greenpeace Energy. At the moment their energy mix consists of Water and Windpower, however they told us that they also might use Ecogas for energy production at some point in the future. So we’ve decided to go with Greenpeace Energy as they seem to be the best option for now.

Shop news

The Blackspot V2 is available again from Adbusters, and we just ordered them, so next week we can offer all sizes again 🙂

SMASH §278ff – Protest on Feb 27th in Vienna, Austria!

On March 2nd the lawsuit against the 10 previously detained activists will start. The protest is the kick-off for further actions and protests around the lawsuit. No matter what the outcome of the lawsuit will be, as long as the §278ff exists, the threat remains that leftists structures, groups, NGO’s etc. will be monitored and criminalized. So come to the protest because we’re all in the same boat.
When: Saturday Feb 27th, 1pm, Schottentor, Vienna, Austria