Win your favourite T-shirt!

A T-shirt with a question mark in the middle

Win a T-shirt from roots of compassion!

It has been a wonderful year with all of you, and this week we feel it’s time for some presents. Now you’ve got the chance to win 5 x one T-shirt each. And that’s what you have to do:

This time we ask you to do some retro stuff. Please send us a postcard – a funny, beautiful, shabby, creative, whatever postcard!

Feel free to write anything on this postcard, but at least: which shirt you want to win, the cut and the size. And your address, of course. Then send this postcard to: roots of compassion eG, Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 37, 48157 Muenster.
We’re looking forward to receiving tons of nice postcards between all the spam we have to take out of our mailbox each day!
We’re going to randomly pick the five winners on December 13th, right after the postman’s departure. Good luck!

NB: We won’t use your personal data for anything else except for sending you the T-shirts. We’re not interested in collecting it for any other purpose. Everyone except of us may participate in the raffle. There is no right of appeal.

15 % discount on condoms and dams

condoms and dams

Some simple observations first:
It is possible to have a peferctly normal life with HIV.
People who are HIV-positive live almost as long as everyone else.
You can’t be infected with HIV in everyday situations. Absolutely not.
You can protect yourself during sexual encounters with condoms and prophylaxis. If you have HIV and take the medicine it is unlikely to transmit HIV.

Of course, these statements could be true on a global scale. But they aren’t, as they require solidarity and access to information, medicine and/or contraceptives. So we have to fight for access to medicine for everyone (not limited to HIV treatments, of course), we have to be solidary with others and not exclude others. Only together we can be strong!

In any case there’s no reason to avoid contact with people who are HIV-positive – at least not compared to other infections.

Having said all this we’ll influence a very tiny little part of all this now: save 15 % on dams and condoms in our shop today! By the way: We’ve got new condoms from Fair Squared which are produced under fair conditions.
And keep in mind: this stuff not only protects you from HIV – it is helpful against other STI, too …

10 % discount on hoodies and jackets!

three hoodies and jackets from roots of compassion

It’s official: December is about to begin, and it’s cold in Germany (even the temperature is low now … 😉 ) So we’ve decided you need something to warm you up – like hoodies and hooded jackets. Beginning from Friday, 1st until Sunday, 3rd, we’ll offer you 10 % discount on hoodies, jackets and basic shirts!
You should have a special look on the new lined hooded Freedom-jackets, or the stuff we put into our shop a few weeks ago!
Give the cold a snowball’s chance in hell!

Order deadlines for Christmas and ordering around New Year’s Eve

When ordering please note that most members of the ROC collective won’t work after December 22nd. That means, we most certainly will process your orders a bit slowlier until January 3rd.
And please note that we’ll take inventory on January 2nd, so we won’t answer mails or calls.

Now the order deadlines … Every year sending letters and packages in December is a hassle (like all of this Christmas thing). It’ll be a lot work work to send all your orders, and the same is true for the package deliverers, who have to carry more and more packages each year. In the following you’ll find the deadlines based upon the dates given by DHL. Attention: DHL has many new employees in December, so it is even more probable that something goes wrong or your order might come late. The earlier you order and pay, the better. We just can’t guarantee that your order arrives in time when you order at the last minute (sorry!).

Note: It doesn’t matter when you place(d) your order – much more important is the day of payment receipt. When we receive your money differs from bank to bank. If you want to be absolutely sure we recommend paying by PayPal.

Dec 22nd in the morning

Germany’s neighbouring countries
December 17th!

The rest of Europe
December 10th (for EU-countries: 12th)

The rest of the world
December 1st. We urgently recommend payment via PayPal.

The best way to have no stress is: don’t take part in the Christmas-game. Enjoy your life while everyone’s bustling about …

Speeches from the International Animal Rights Conference Luxembourg

Last September some of your collectivist@s attended the International Animal Rights Conference in Luxembourg. It was great to meet some of you there, discuss and get to know new people. And of course, we’ve listened to some speeches. 30 of about 50 speeches are available online – just have a look at the youtube-channel “Vegankanal”. By the way: of course we don’t agree on everything stated in some speeches – it’s a conference with many different people from different perspectives. But isn’t that the interesting part of a conference?
But of course we don’t want to bother you with this stuff here – so we’ve looked for videos of the speeches we liked a lot – and we found these three:

Facts for Fish-Eaters: What You Didn’t Know About Fish*es And Sealife – Lisa Kemmerer

Vegan Organic Food Production: How to Go Beyond Animal Agriculture – Daniel Mettke

Overlapping Oppressions: Sexism, Classism, Racism And More – Lisa Kemmerer

We would be glad to meet even more of you next year at the conference! And if you think a certain topic is missing: ofer your own workshop or speech!

Our winter special is back! Side note: new stickers!

6 new action stickers

That's about the new German fascist party ...

a piglet and the question: Why vegan?

A mouse protests against animal experiments

Pictures of meat dishes and pictures of animals being killed for these dishes: The side that meat-eaters see, and the other side ...

chicken on an assembly line before shredding and the question: Why vegan?/Warum vegan?

Ist dein Appetit wichtiger als ein Leben? Sticker

Vegan winter treats

Winter Special's back: Booja Booja pralines and fruit in chocolate

It’s time for winterly vegan sweets again! A few novelties: Booja Booja Chilled Truffles and our beloved Voney in two varieties: “GlĂŒhwein” (glogg/Gluvine) and “Lebkuchen” (ginger bread). Perfect on bread but also great in tea or on pancakes 🙂

35 years of the Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group

Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group and Animal Rights Prisoner Support turn 35 this year. Read everything about their history in this new booklet.

Not that yummy in combination: Vegan butterscotch chews and descaler

Vegan butterscotch chews

Vegan butterscotch chews are quite popular in the scene in Germany and finally available through our little shop. For some of us this delicious vegan candy brings back childhood memories of sticky teeth and guilty pleasure.
Our new descaler by Vio.Me (occupied factory in Thessaloniki, Greece) can’t be used for dental hygiene but to clean everything else around your bathroom. As always vegan and free from animal testing.