Our new T-shirt Collection is out now!

roots of compassion - vegan * eco * fair * collective

It’s happening:

…today we proudly present to you this year’s spring collection!

6 fresh designs are the result of weeks of creative work, printed on organic fair-trade shirts by our homies Onbones.

That includes (in reading order from top left):

  • Deep roots, an ode to trees ♥
  • Bikes before Cars & Save the planet_ride the change, strong statements for the desperately needed revolution of transportation – eco-friendly, more social mobility and a greener environment.
  • Different but equal, a change of perspective which on the one hand points out the individuality of other animals and us and on the other hand emphasizes similarities – such as the unconditional right to live a life free from harm.
  • Be kind to small kinds, because the smaller living beings also deserve our respect.
  • And last but not least: Chicken hug, a beautiful illustration by German designer Sarah Heuzeroth depicting a peaceful co-existence between other animals and us, symbolized by a human lovingly hugging a chicken. In other words: Hug chickens, don’t eat them.

As always, all t-shirts are fair-trade, made of 100 % organic cotton, climate-friendly and printed using vegan water-based colors.

Have a nice weekend and take care ♥
your rocis

Memorial against Animal Testing

Hamburg Town Musicians with a dog, an ape, a rabbit and a rat Last week activists put up a memorial against animal testing in Hamburg. It’s dedicated to all the mice, rats, rabbits and other animals, who fall victim to animal testing worldwide.
Click here to find out more about the fairy tale and reality behind the sculpture (article in German). You can find more information about animal testing in general and animal-free research on this website.

Stop Animal Testing! Sticker & Patches

Call to Fur Check 2021

jacket with fur In autumn and winter many people can be seen wearing jackets and hats decorated with fur. Well, aesthetics is one topic you can have a row about. But fashion at the expense of others? Come on. If you too want to help ban fur from store windows and catwalks, you can find some how-to-details here. You’re not sure if the fur you’re looking at is real or fake? This short guide may answer some questions.

Make compassion your fashion! – Statement on eco-fair clothes.


several new products

  • If you want to dress warm and comfy, you don’t need any other animals fur to do so! To back up that claim we’d like to draw your attention to our new knitted beanies and very suitable winter-leggins for example. Both are high-quality products, fair trade and made of organic cotton.
  • We have some new goodies for the cold season: magical chocolates handmade by Fräulein Wunderlich (with and without alcohol), chocolatey deliciousness from the Bernsteinzimmer and different sorts of gently melting truffles by Booja-Booja.
    In November we will also provide some chocolate calendars. You can already pre-order one of Fräulein Wunderlich’s lovely Advent calendars 🙂
    • By the way! These fresh calendars are not edible indeed, but very useful and reliable companions throughout the year: the organizer and desk planner by the infamous Slingshot collective in different color-variations as well as the queerfeminist pocket calendar by Riot Skirts.

You can find all new products by clicking here

Special Offers on World Vegan Day

film projection Next Monday is World Vegan Day! Not only will we provide some special offers on this unique occasion, but also several selected movie theaters in different german cities are inviting you to enjoy the beautiful documentary “Butenland”. The award-winning movie impressively shows how humans and other animals can live together in harmony. And above all: it’s completely free! In the Cinema in Münster, the director and roots of compassion co-founder Marc Pierschel will even be present.
Want to know more details about all dates and places? Follow this link. And if you prefer to watch “Butenland” in your home cinema – no problem. We have the DVD in our shelves 😉

Have a nice week!
Bye for now, your roots of compassion collective