Wait, you eat whaaat???
Tees are back in new colors.

Not your Mom – sleeveless shirt
To be honest, these Not your Mom shirts aren’t that new anymore. And it was warmer when they first came in. But hey, the shirts do still look good when you wear them indoor.

New menstrual cups
We’ve been looking for other menstrual cups for quite a while in order to find an alternative to MeLuna cups. Because not everyone feels comfortable with the chosen cup right away … Finally we discovered Lunette cups and decided to take them in. Lunette menstrual cups are made of medical silicone in Finland and available in two sizes: Model 1 is smaller and a bit softer, Model 2 is harder and better for people with a good pubococcygeus muscle.
What all menstrual cups have incommon: they produce way less waste since they can be used for many years, you save money and last but not least they are good for the vaginal flora …
Organizers 2017
As the new year will be around the corner soon, it’s about time to think about a new organizer. So far the “Queerfeministischer Taschenkalender” and the “Syndikal Taschenkalender” (both in German) arrived. “Antifaschistischer Taschenkalender” and the small and big Slingshot organizers (yay, finally in English) will follow soon. Keep a lookout for those two.
Reading stuff
Besides the new organizers, there are also new zines and pamphlets in the shop.

- The new XclusiveX fanzine is diverse as usual: tons of great interviews and articles in German and English. With much love and passion for DIY.
- Learning Good Consent – the title already says what this zine is about. Worth reading!
- The Reproduction of Daily Life deals with alienation and reproduction in everyday life. You don’t have to read Marx’ “Kapital” in order to think about “alienation”, “commodity fetishism” and “surplus value” …