Fair Trade Cacao

For the longest time we offered a few sweets containing cacao and other ingredients that are not explicitly fair trade. Well, not anymore!
Don’t get us wrong, we still find this stuff exorbitantly delicious. However, we cannot sell these products without a disquieting feeling of amorality. As a consequence we have decided to discontinue the following products:

  • Bonbarr Nougat
  • Bonbarr Kokos
  • Nougatring
  • Marzipan Balls

This results in our whole chocolate assortment being not only vegan, but also 100 % fair trade (we used to have the goal to make it at least 80 % fair trade)! Before dropping the products listed above we contacted the manufacturers again but none of them showed any willingness whatsoever to use fair trade ingredients. Sad.
However, rumours have it another popular vegan chocolate brand will be fair trade very soon. We’re officially excited 🙂