Seize the evenings! They’re still long and dark, and we can hardly imagine a better to spend them then reading good books! This month you can save 10 % on the english books in our range (apart from the books published by German publishers, sorry!). There’s some new stuff we’d love to introduce to you again, because we believe you should really read these books: What A Fish Knows is an instructive and sometimes surprising book about fishes – and we’re sure you’ll learn a lot of stuff that might be helpful whenever you run into “and what about fish?”-discussions.
Further, we’ve got some new books by Lisa Kemmerer who writes a lot about the interconnections between feminism, ecology and animal rights. Strongly recommended!
Apart from that we’ve still got the books by Jo-Anne McArthur, Crimethinc books and some other stuff you should read, too 😉