The latest and some thoughts on vegan shoes

We finally have all patches in stock again. Especially those we haven’t had for a while, like ‘Break Free’ and ‘The silence ends’. Printed by the Fairdruckt collective from Münster.

Spring Collection
We are still working on a few minor design changes, but we’ll be releasing our spring collection on April 2nd! The Shirts will be at the printer next week 🙂

Our sale is still on, and most of the stuff is already gone, but we still have a lot of Shirts from our older collections, like Make Hunting History, The true face of capitalism or End animal testing for only 12€. These are the last ones for sure!

Every now and then we get a request from our customers to list more vegan shoes. There are quite a few companies now that produce under fair conditions and with recycled or organic materials. So, a good question!
We’ve discussed this issue a few times in our plenary, but we’ve come to the conclusion that we don’t want to support any companies directly or indirectly that sell leather products.
Someone might argue that the purchase of vegan products would increase the demand and thus increase the range of these products. That might be true, however the sales still support leather products indirectly, and thats something we don’t want to support at all. With Vegetarian Shoes we already have a cruelty-free company that might not always have the ‘latest styles’, but we are very satisfied with the quality of their shoes.
So we’ll stick to the vegan companies, and hereby officially request all other companies to drop leather.

Let us know your thoughts on the issue, we’d be happy to hear from you.