World vegan day: you save 5 %, we donate 10 %!

World Vegan Day is almost here and of course we’d like to celebrate with you!
Only this year the party looks a little different.

If you place your order on November 1st you’ll get a 5 %* discount while we’re gonna donate another 10 % of your order value to the Organic Vegan Network (Bioveganes Netzwerk, BVN).

We think it fits this wonderful occasion very well to support the idea of organic vegan farming and to help spread information on how to grow food with more respect to animals and nature. We don’t want more and more conventional vegan plastic-products from the shelves of exploiting supermarket chains; we want a change of society and of our relation to food. And we regard organic-vegan farming – the connection of vegan ideas and a more ecological way of food production – as an essential part of this change.

Fittingly the German Organic-Vegan Farming Days 2015 will take place this month, organized by the Organic Vegan Network (Bioveganes Netzwerk, BVN) and open to everyone. To enable also less financially privileged people to attend, the event will be funded mainly by grants and donations. That can be tough so we decided to chip in a little. But we need your help: For every order you place on Nov 1st you’ll get a 5 %*-discount and on top of that we’re gonna donate 10 % of your order value to the Organic Vegan Network. Deal?

By the way, if you’re searching for vegan fertilizer

*sorry, no discount on german literature and gift vouchers …